Hello! My name is Gabrielle. I am a musician, yoga instructor, writer, artist, & tarot reader passionate about helping others find inner peace, confidence, and clarity through movement, stillness, music, and story. We are energy and our body-mind speaks in emotion. I offer in-person / virtual yoga lessons & tarot readings as a way to support others’ on their life’s journey.
My short stories, music, and art explore the felt world through the beauty of nature and magic of folklore. My fiction has been published in or is forthcoming from Wigleaf, SplitLip, The Rumpus, matchbook, Monkeybicycle, Gone Lawn, XRAY, Okay Donkey, and elsewhere. My stories have been selected for Best Microfiction 2022, nominated for Best Small Fictions, the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, O. Henry Prize, & long-listed for the Wigleaf Top 50.
In a past life, I worked as a social and environmental climate activist librarian. I co-founded the Blue Marble Librarians, a Massachusetts group of librarians who help create climate resilience in their communities.